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Determine a long-term food plan tailored to your needs.

Dietetics is a scientific, evidence-based approach to managing chronic health conditions with medical nutrition therapy. A dietitian can help you manage your medical condition; improve your symptoms and quality of life with tailored dietary counseling and individual nutritional advice.  

What does a Dietitian do?

  • Assess your nutritional needs with a thorough nutritional assessment
  • Provide nutrition counselling and support to individuals and groups
  • Creates individualised eating plans that consider your medical conditions and personal situation
  • Provide practical information on healthy eating, food shopping and preparing food
  • Works with your GP and other health professionals to achieve your health goals
  • Deliver consultancy services to health care facilities, schools, corporate organisations and food manufacturers.

What areas and conditions can a Dietitian help with?

  • Weight management
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (IBS, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis)
  • Diabetes (type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes and insulin resistance)
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Pre and post natal (fertility and pregnancy)
  • Paediatric nutrition
  • Disordered eating
  • Depression and stress
  • Food allergies and intolerances (coeliac disease, lactose intolerance, fructose malabsorption)
  • Cancers
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Nutritional needs throughout the life cycle (women’s health, men’s health, aged care, post-surgery)

What to expect?

Your journey will start with a comprehensive nutrition assessment where your Dietitian will learn about you, your medical conditions, lifestyle situation, dietary habits, your nutritional concerns and health goals. Your dietitian will also review your blood tests and medications to ensure a thorough assessment. Your Dietitian will then calculate your individual nutrition requirements and work with you to create a personalised plan to meet your unique needs.

Why work with us?

If you are looking for a compassionate dietitian who puts your health priorities first, then you have come to the right place! Our in house dietitian uses a patient-centred approach and focuses on your health priorities to help you achieve your goals and manage your medical conditions.

How can I book an appointment with the Dietitian?

To book your nutrition assessment with our Dietitian, contact us on 9312 0824. Please bring any recent blood test results, medications and nutritional supplements with you. Please also write down your usual food and drink intake for 3 days and bring to your appointment.


What is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian?

An accredited practicing dietitian has completed a dietetic degree with a minimum of 4 years university training and is registered with the Dietitian’s Association of Australia (DAA). A dietitian is eligible to work in a hospital, community, private practice and food service settings. A dietitian works with other health professionals including GP’s and is trained to provide both individual and group dietary counseling and medical nutrition therapy. Medicare provides rebates for referrals to an accredited practicing dietitian for the management of chronic health conditions. Your GP can organise a care plan and refer you to an accredited practicing dietitian or consultations are covered by most health funds.

How do I know my Dietitian is qualified?

The Dietitian’s Association of Australia recognises dietitian’s who are qualified, have undergone adequate training in an accredited course at University and who practice continual professional development each year. Dietitians in Australia who meet these strict criteria are eligible to join the Accredited Practicing Dietitian program (APD). The best way to ensure your dietitian is qualified is to check they are recognised as an accredited practicing dietitian. You can do this by going onto the DAA website and checking the register of accredited practicing dietitian’s.  LINK:

How is a dietitian different to my GP?

A dietitian specialises in nutritional medicine and medical nutrition therapy, whereas a GP is trained in medical sciences. Although a GP has some nutritional knowledge, a Dietitian is a specialist in this field and can work with your GP to help achieve your health goals and manage your chronic health conditions.