Contact Glengala Health Sunshine

Contact Us

Phone: (03) 9312 0824
Fax:      (03) 9311 2442
Address: 150 Glengala Road,
                 Sunshine West,  3020

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am – 7pm
Sat: 9am – 1pm
Sun: Closed

Book your appointments below.
Please use the contact us page to send through any other inquiries or CALL us on 9312 0824


General Practitioner

Allied Health 

Payment Method 

Payment may be taken before or after the completion of your consultation. We accept cash, EFTPOS, VISA and MasterCard.

If you are unable to make your appointment please provide 24hrs notice to allow someone else to benefit from a treatment time. A $30 missed appointment fee will be allocated if notice is not given.

Private Health Insurance and HICAPS

Glengala Health Clinic is equipped with a HICAPS facility, which enables those with private health insurance to claim their rebate immediately at the clinic. If you are unsure of your level of coverage, please check with your private health insurer.


Chiropractic and Podiatry treatments are only covered by Medicare if you are under an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan set up by your General Practitioner. EPC plans allow eligible patients up to five Chiropractic or Podiatry visits per year to be covered under Medicare. It is at your GP’s discretion as to whether you are eligible to participate in the program.
The EPC program entitles eligible patients to a rebate for up to five Chiropractic treatments per calendar year.

Workcover / TAC

Our Chiropractors, Podiatrists, Acupuncturists and Myotherapists are registered Work cover and TAC service providers. A claim number is necessary.

Partners and Affiliations

Glengala Health Clinic strive to provide excellence in all of our services.  We offer our clients a variety of services that they may need to improve and maximize their health, function and well-being.  This enhances our case management approach to each individual.  We can only make this possible with the development of strong professional relationships throughout Melbourne and Australia.  All of our partners and affiliates provide the same level of care and excellence and place the client’s interest first and foremost.